Beings it is the end of the year I wanted to look back and see what kind of progress I made this year. I felt I had not really completed much stitching until I went to my files and looked. Thank goodness I take pictures of all my finishes.
The List:
8 Mug Rugs with matching napkin (sewing)
4 Wallets (sewing)
7 Purses (sewing)
10 Thread Catcher w/ pin cushion (sewing)
1 Crocheted Blanket and a second one has been started about 1/3 finished
1 Counted Canvas"Joy" Embroidery
Autumn Ala Round (cross stitch)
Playing Cards (cross stitch)
Owls w/ Quote (cross stitch)
Lighthouse (cross stitch)
Poof w/shoes (cross stitch)
Snowman Banner (cross stitch)
10 JBW Designs (cross stitch)
4 other Miscellaneous Mini's (cross stitch)
2 Bags Reindeer and Skull (cross stitch)
1 Wreath (crafting)
2 Fall Wall Hangings (crafting)
5 Fall Jar Decorations (crafting)
7 Christmas Jar Decorations (crafting)
Along with working on HAED Christmas Cottage. Death By Cross Stitch, Spring Village, Army Emblem, Pumpkin Splendor Table Topper, and Christmas Tree 2004 Counted Canvas .
I wanted to do a few collages of the list but my collage maker is on the fritz. 🙁Oh well I will work on it and see if I can get it working and try again later.
Do you make a New Years List/Resolution list of your stitching plans? I do what I cal a soft list. I try to know what I would like to do but if I do not get to it no big deal it just gets moved to the following year. So how did I do I wanted 4 WIPS to be finished only got 3 finished. I did not start my Pixie as I had hoped and only got 1 square for my son started. But I did start and finish 14 projects that are all for me. And my Etsy shop is up but the selling was not as much as I had hoped. All in all it was a good year. Next post I will put my list for 2018.
We had our annual Stitching Group Christmas party. We do a gift exchange. We pick #'s and then choose from the bags in the order of the numbers. I was # 3.
Then for Christmas a friend stitched me a table topper. They are oh so adorable. These were my stitching gifts this year.
As mentioned earlier it has been a busy month and not much time for stitching. I only made progress on my HAED Christmas Cottage. And then I had a quick finish with this little reindeer bag. It was a kit with 2 gnomes in red and this deer.
The mug rugs are gifts for friends for sets of 2. Husband and wives Each rug has a pocket that holds a napkin I made that matches to match and I found some really cool gold spoons so I added those in.

This is just so you can see how well my snowman card holder worked.
And finally I was at Michael's to get some picker holders and to check out the after Christmas specials. I got a few things for next year 70% off. And got a rope of flowers, I had a sting of those lights that are battery operated and also bought some white sparkled leaves and made a decoration for January. Blue, white, and copper.
I wish you all a happy, safe, healthy New Year and hope to see you in the next year.
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