Monday, June 20, 2016

2016 June Wipocalypse

The full moon and Summer Solstice!!!! What an interesting time. The heat has come out which means I am not a happy camper. I prefer the cool/cold weather which leads to our question of the month.

Do you find yourself more productive with stitching in summer or winter?

Well I like to stitch year round and I can usually get the same amount of time to stitch. since I do not like the heat, I tend to stay indoors to keep cool. That means stitching time.

What have I been doing stitchy wise??? Well lets see.
My HAED Christmas Cottage has another page finish. This makes 20 pages done.
Disney's Beauty and the Beast is getting closer and closer to a finish. Along with Whooligan's Hangout from Glendon Place.
 Saturday I finally pulled out my canvas work JOY and got a bit of work on it. I was at my LNS with my stitching group. 
I also have a new start. One of the groups I am with on Facebook has an SAL Challenge. The theme was Treasure Stitch, you were to pick a design that  had something in it that you would find in/with a Treasure Chest....... ie; jewels, gold coin, crowns, keys, pirates, ships, islands and so on. My design has jewels in it so I am stitching her. Minerva by Nora Corbett. I have made a few changes already the black in her dress and hat are now a dark hunter green. All of the beads, so far, are changed to metallic Glissen Gloss and Rainbow 2 greens and the rust on the tree limb. The tree is 4130 DMC and the moon is Caron Collection Lemon/Lime. And on the owls eye I made them half stitches and use DMC Neon E980. The pictures will not show it well but the fabric I am using is mint green.
 I have 2 new finishes I have my owl who sets by the front door. It was a fun little stitch and the finishing was something new for me and that was to use an old wooden hoop that I got from my MIL. The second finish is for a friend. She is going through some really intense cancer therapy and I wanted to send he a gift to lift her spirits and show some support .  I finished it off as a card with some fun fabric and ribbon.
I have recently bought some new patterns both cross stitch and quilting. 
I have gotten a bit long winded with this post I hope you are still with me because I will leave you with a picture from a couple days ago. I live in the country and we have deer in the fields around use. Well they like to come in and eat the rose bushes. I got a really good picture of the doe. We also have a young buck, but he is harder capture. 
I hope you have a nice summer with lots of stitching and many fun days. See you next month.


  1. All your stitching is fabulous!! I LOVE your conversions on Minerva!
    I just started HAED's Christmas Cottage a few weeks ago, and have the first page and about half of another done. Seeing yours motivates me, it's beautiful:)
    I really enjoy your updates!

  2. Great progress on everything! I like that vibrant green you've got in Minerva. :)

  3. Great progress, you've been busy! I love watching anything by Nora Corbett come to life. The model fabrics always seem to wash out the colors but when a stitcher picks and starts stitching those pieces sure do come to life just like your Minerva. Can't wait to see more of her!


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